Opening a session: The training starts before the training

As I enter the virtual training session I am welcomed by a slide that says: ‘Welcome, the training will start at 09:00’. The trainer is muted and typing. He doesn’t acknowledge me nor the other participants dripping in. For the 5 minutes left before the start of the training everyone just sits there, on mute, somewhat uncomfortable, somewhat bored. At 09:00 the trainer looks up from his keyboard and opens the training. As he gets to the introductions, he asks: ‘I’d love to get to know you all! Who would like to start by introducing themselves?’ He is met with a sullen silence.

This trainer obviously did not receive a very important memo with regards to training: The training starts before the training. Take a moment to let that phrase sink in. What does it mean for you?

Okay, cut to a different example. 

As I approach the training space I hear some faint music. When I walk through the door I see a trainer behind his computer, singing along to some Blues Brothers music. He is obviously enjoying himself. When notices me, he stands up and walks up to greet me with a big smile on his face. We get into some small talk as he asks me about my job, how I am looking forward to today’s session and my taste in music (he noticed me singing along to one of the songs). As other participants come in, they’re met with the same welcome and he includes them in the small talk. When it’s time to start he redirects the conversation to the topic of the training by saying: ‘09:00, let’s get this show on the road!’. As he gets to introductions he says: ‘Let’s do an official introduction round, so we get to know each other better. Who’ll go first?’ Immediately, two people raise their hands.

This trainer had achieved what ‘the training starts before the training’ is alluding to: He had us in his pocket before the training had started. Even though this training took place years before I decided to become a trainer myself I always remembered this session. I used it as an inspiration for how I start my sessions. I’ll share my checklist with you, in the hope it inspires you in turn. 

  • 20 minutes before start time: Prep Done. Room set up to my liking? Check. Presentation plugged in? Check. Went to the bathroom? Check. Wrote my flips? Check. Training Materials in place? Check. Got my morning tea? Check. 

  • Music & Chill. Put on some music and chill until the first participant drops in. A few notes on music… 

    • Go for something you  enjoy, don’t pick something for the participants. The participants are influenced more by your demeanor than the music. Also, if you pick something unique to you that tends to be a nice conversation starter. Obviously, you do want to be mindful of the setting you are in. If you are into death metal or gangster rap I would say Rock on, but choose something more middle of the road for the session. 

    • Tailor the vibe of music to what you need in the moment. Participants are stressed and high in energy because of the commute? Pick something mellow and slower-paced.  Participants are lethargic after lunch? Pick something lighthearted and upbeat. 

    • An additional benefit of having music playing is that it makes it very easy to transition to the actual session. You simply turn off the music, and you will automatically have everyone’s attention. No need for raising your voice. As a music-lover though I have one request for you. For the love of Pete, do not turn the music off mid-song. Anyone who’s into music like me will have a short-circuit in their brain and they will need at least half an hour to recover from that musical faux-pas. So please, wait ‘til the end of the song or do an elegant fade-out. On behalf of all music lovers everywhere: I thank you.

  • Smile & Welcome. Walk up to each participant, welcome them and point them to the big 3: coat rack, toilet, coffee machine. By walking up to them you immediately establish yourself as the trainer and the one in charge. Names are a big deal. Make a point to remember them and get the pronunciation 100 % correct. You want participants to feel seen and welcome, and learning people’s names is your first step to get there. If remembering names is not your forte, do make your own life easier by using name tags or writing them down. If you’re seeing the group for the second time, study the participant list beforehand so you can greet people by name as much as possible. 

  • Talk Small. If small talk doesn’t come naturally to you and you’d rather skip this part, may I advise against it? These seemingly innocuous conversations aren’t mere fillers. They serve you as a trainer in many ways. Really? Yes! In these conversations with participants you:

    • …dig up information that is relevant to the training.What’s their attitude towards the training? Are they excited, neutral, resistant or something else? How  are they doing? Are they hung-over because they had the company Christmas party the day before? Are they anxious because the company is in a re-org and they’re fearing for their jobs? This is stuff you want to know about before the training starts, because it will influence how you might approach the session.

    • … form an image of participants’ daily reality. This you can then use during the training to create examples that are recognizable and relevant to participants, creating a custom-feel. 

    • … win them over with your personality so you have participants in your pocket before the training starts.

  • Express interest. Most participants can sniff out the difference between genuine and feigned interest in a heartbeat. So do bring an attitude of true curiosity to your small talk. Make sure you respond to what they’re sharing with a follow-up question, because the most interesting information lies hidden behind the second or third follow-up question. 

  • Include everyone. Since your goal is to have the whole group in your pocket before the session starts avoid deep one-on-one conversations with a single participant, however interesting the topic may be. Actively engage others by saying something like: ‘We were just discussing…/ Did you also experience…/ How is that for your department?

So now you too have received the memo and it’s up to you to make it your own and create your own unique ways to greet, engage and connect with your participants.  When your moment arrives, I trust you share the memo in turn, so together we uplift the game and dazzle all of our future participants with a welcome that’s surprising, warm and engaging.



This is an excerpt from my upcoming book on how to deliver awesome trainings. It comes from the chapter Opening a Session. This theory is also covered in my Train-the-Trainer programme: Inspire to Develop.